In the town of Ferry (1km)
La Coque, the restaurant of Le Rayon Vert hotel (2km)
The city center of Deshaies (6km) and its beach (8km)
Riflet, the restaurant of Langley Resort (10km)
Convenient stores and supermarkets:
Le Begonia, Ferry
SPAR, Deshaies
SUPER U, Cluny (15 km)
Petit Casino, Pointe-Noire (10 km)
Bakeries: in Ferry and Deshaies.
Leroux, down the path
Petite Anse (1.5 km)
Grande Anse, Deshaies (8 km)
Malendure, Pigeon (18 km)
River: Saut d’Acomat (12 km).
Nautical activities:
Jet ski, Ferry
Snorkeling and scuba diving in Petite Anse, Deshaies and Malendure